Jungle Camp Policies
There are a few pieces of information for parents and students to be aware of going into camp.
For Parents
Drop-off and Pick-up
It is required that all students have a Kidcheck account. This is the system we use to track students.
Parents MUST come in the building while dropping off and picking up their kid(s). We do not permit students to enter or leave the building unattended by their guardian.
Parents may be asked to provide a photo ID upon drop off and pickup.
Anyone picking up a child must be on the authorized pickup list. This can be found on Kidcheck under your account.
If there is a line at the front desk, please wait for our team to get to you before releasing your kids into the gym.
If your kid(s) has an allergy, it is required that it is listed on their Kidcheck account. If your kid(s) might need an EpiPen due to an allergy, it is required that parents provide the front desk with their EpiPen. Coaches will be made aware of that child’s allergy and medication.
For Students
Rule 1: Be Respectful
Rule 2: Keep your body to yourself
Rule 3: Be Safe
Our staff is trained to work with students on behavior correction before administering strikes.
Strike 1: Sit in lobby for 30 minutes and parents are called to explain what happened.
Strike 2: Call parents to pick the kid up for the day. If parents are unavailable to pick their kid up, then the kid must sit in the lobby until parents arrive.
Strike 3: When the kid comes back the next day/week, if they receive a 3rd strike, they are not allowed back to camp for that camp season.
Example Schedule
This is what a normal day of Jungle camp looks like if we are at full capacity. This schedule can be adjusted by the Camp Lead if they deem it necessary.
7:45 - 8:30am / Drop off and free play
8:30 - 8:40am / Rules and run-down
8:40am - 9:40am / Group game/activity
9:40am - 9:55am / Snack groups 1 and 2
10am - 10:15am / Snack groups 3 and 4
10:30am - 11:45am / Camp Lessons
11:45am - 12pm / Free play and pickup
12pm - 12:30pm / Lunch groups 1 and 2
12:30pm - 1:00pm / Lunch groups 3 and 4
1:00pm - 1:30pm / Drop-off and free play
1:30pm - 1:40pm / Rules and run-down
1:40pm - 2:40pm / Group game/activity
2:40pm - 2:55pm / Snack groups 1 and 2
3:00pm - 3:15pm / Snack groups 3 and 4
3:30pm - 4:45pm / Camp Lessons
4:45pm - 5:15pm / Guided Free play and pickup